Posted by: Hats | January 9, 2011

Angel Beats! Heaven’s Door c06 + Omake

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Shini-tan Scans is now abandoning all efforts at translating SFX since it sucks and I (as in Hats) don’t even pay attention to it anyways. That and RNG told us to.
[20:28:07] <&Shini-tan> guys you know what I learned today
[20:28:09] <&Shini-tan> I hate sfx.
[20:28:19] <+Hats> !shini select keepsfx f5f5f5
[20:28:20] * &Shini-nyan chooses f5f5f5.
[20:28:25] <+Hats> I’ll type up the announcement

That said, if anyone wants to join as a typesetter+SFX translator, please leave a comment and/or join #fang-tan. We’ll get back to you as soon as one of us is online.

Blah edit: Just kidding. We’ll still try and translate SFX as much as possible (i.e. as best as I can find stuff online). Well, if anyone actually does want to join to help out on translation, please do. Volume batch will come eventually; if there’s anything that you think should be changed in any of the chapters, do tell us. So, back to Haruhi then, I suppose.

Posted by: Blah | January 5, 2011

Angel Beats! Heaven’s Door c05

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Enigmatic_Cube was jealous that Hats got to advertise his blog, so here’s an advertisement for his:

[17:14:33] <+Hats> orz I think I ate a rock
[17:14:36] <+blah1234> …
[17:14:37] <&Shini-tan> ….
[17:14:40] <+Hats> was eating and random hard “crunch” sound
[17:14:40] <+Sodium> wat
[17:14:47] <+Hats> last time it was a pebble in my lettuce (during dinner)
[17:14:51] <+blah1234> ….
[17:14:52] <+Hats> so this time I can’t be sure it isn’t anymore
[17:14:54] <&Shini-tan> ……
[17:14:54] <+Sodium> wat
[17:14:57] <+blah1234> what are your parents cooking
[17:14:58] <+Hats> I don’t know
[17:15:02] <&Shini-tan> hats, what is wrong with your food
[17:15:08] <+Hats> I don’t know
[17:15:12] <+Hats> I just don’t know

Posted by: Blah | January 3, 2011

Haruhi vol4 Batch

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Nothing’s been changed; don’t get unless you’ve been waiting for the entire volume to read or something. As mentioned before, individual torrents are going to be removed.

[21:15:31] <+blah1234> guys, making the post for the volume batch for haruhi
[21:15:32] <+blah1234> anything to say
[21:15:37] <&Shini-tan> uh
[21:15:39] <&Shini-tan> wait
[21:15:40] <&Shini-tan> lemme think
[21:15:46] <+Hats> lemme copypasta stuff from that commie post
[21:15:47] <+Hats> onesec
[21:16:05] <+Hats> COMMIE WHERE IS MY TWGOK
[21:16:10] <+blah1234> lolwhat
[21:16:16] <+Hats> <+zeroj-X10A> WHERE IS MY TWGOK
[21:16:17] <+blah1234> im not even following commie
[21:16:18] <+blah1234> so no
[21:16:23] <+Hats> I’m not even watching twgok
[21:16:26] <+Hats> put it on anyways
[21:16:31] <+blah1234> …
[21:16:34] <+blah1234> !shini select yes no
[21:16:36] * &Shini-nyan chooses yes.
[21:16:44] <+blah1234> k gonna copy this entire log then
[21:16:52] <+Hats> ┐(´_ゝ`)┌
[21:16:56] <+Hats> include this line ^
[21:17:02] <+blah1234> lol, k

Posted by: Blah | January 1, 2011

Angel Beats! Heaven’s Door c04

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Happy New Year~ Guess how we spent New Year’s Eve.

[00:01:27] <&Shana-tan> so in the end we did manage to play tenhou through the new year
[00:01:29] <+blah1234> lol
[00:01:30] <+Hats> yes
[00:01:31] <+Hats> yes we did
[00:01:35] <+Hats> good work guys

Note: Tenhou = online mahjong

Earlier that night, on MSN:
(5:57 PM) [Hats]: can you tenhou tonight
(5:57 PM) [Nored]: on new years eve?
(5:57 PM) [Nored]: what do you take me for, some kind of loser?
The reason Nored never gets on IRC is clearly that he has to pretend he isn’t some kind of loser who plays mahjong on New Year’s Eve.

Posted by: Blah | December 27, 2010

Angel Beats! Heaven’s Door c03

Torrent | MU

Nothing really to say, so have more random stupidity from Nored:
[21:47:50] <+rerun2323> what is bible black?
[21:47:56] <+Nored> a romance anime
[21:47:57] <+Nored> watch it
[21:48:05] <&Shini-tan> brb facepalm

Posted by: Hats | December 26, 2010

Angel Beats! Heaven’s Door c02

Torrent | MU

We of Shini-tan Scans celebrated Christmas by playing online mahjong. How about you?

Also, as a note, pages 48-49 are a pain in the ass to redraw properly, which is why there’s the white bar in the middle. Just disregard it, especially if you obsess over that kind of thing.

Chapter 3 will be out soon; just needs to be typeset. I guess we’re finishing this off before working on the next volume of Haruhi.

Posted by: Hats | December 23, 2010

Angel Beats! Heaven’s Door c01

Torrent | MU

As previously explained, the existing scans suck, and we have better (I dare not say perfect) English anyways.

Enjoy your Kanade.

Blah edit: We decided to just base our TL off of the existing ones; they’re perfectly fine, but there was just some editing and fixing up that needed to be done, especially since BoysDeMo’s scans were done from Chinese raws. These are also tankoubon scans, so we won’t be releasing as regularly as other groups; it depends on when the volumes are released in Japan and when the raws come out.

P.S. Happy holidays.

Posted by: Blah | December 23, 2010

Haruhi c19

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What did we say, it’s out in two days. That said, this will never happen outside of long school holidays; the next time this might occur is mid-March.

So we’re done this volume; I’ll make a volume batch in a while. Individual torrents are going to be deleted because it’s easier to seed one torrent rather than 5.

Also, who’s actually noticed that we change our tagline every release?

Posted by: Hats | December 21, 2010

Haruhi c18

Torrent | MU

We’ll be picking up Angel Beats! Heaven’s Door because:
1. The existing scans are godawful, and
2. The tank raw for volume 1 came out the other day.
Enjoy not-Engrish and non-Comic Sans.

Chapter 19 should be out very shortly and expect maybe 1 or 2 chapters of Angel Beats after that.

[21:00:54] <+Nored> man i make all my char siu bau in my rice cooker
[21:01:00] <+blah1234> bbq pork buns -_-
[21:01:02] <+blah1234> learn to english
[21:01:12] <+Nored> what
[21:01:13] <+Nored> its bbq pork
[21:01:18] <+Nored> i thought it was beef
tl;dr Nored sucks at both languages and gourmet.

Posted by: Hats | December 18, 2010

Haruhi c17

Torrent | MU

Help seed etc.

[22:37:05] <+Hats> quickly
[22:37:10] <+Hats> we need a witty post comment
[22:37:14] <+Hats> I vote to advertise my blag :V
Nobody overruled me, so

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